Reading log 7

2 min readNov 2, 2020

Silver Chair

  1. The prine explained that there are a lot of outlets around the Underworld that lead to the surface. He had been taken out of them and accompanied by the Witch. The only way to get to them is by the boat which will be troubling.
  2. Puddleglum thought that the volcano was about to erupt with them inside of it.
  3. The Prince suggested that they should get his and the Witche’s horse in order for them to make their escape.
  4. Rilian did not wanted to put on his armour because he doesn’t want to look like other earthmen and that it is also stinks with the enhancement. The shield that was once entirely black turned bright silver and had a red mark of a lion. This means that Aslan now became the Highness.
  5. Jill came towards beast without any hesitation. Because throughout the whole journey she was put in different scary situations that she eventually beat. So right now she is not afraid of anything.

Tuesdays with Morrie

  1. Mitch is not really happy with his life. He is so filled with work that he could not get any simple enjoyment in life.

2. Morrie became more popular among the people after the talk show host visit because of his death. And people starting to see him as some sort of bridge where he is technically dead but actually not.

3. Morrie said that the death is sure is a sad sight to uphold, he still feels positive about the people that care about him. Mitch was puzzled by the lack of self-pettiness.

4. A Tension of Opposites means that you want to do something other in life but you stuck doing other thighs. And that really reflects on Mitch’es life because of how he is always works but wants to do something other, something more enjoyable.

Today I read the article about the benefits of the swimming. As an Ex-swimmer I can totally agree with some points that this article is bringing up. Swimming is a great way for working out or to heal yourself from different illnesses.

